Sunday, Funday

On Sundays, I mass produce food for lunch during the week!

First, I concocted my favorite turkey chili:

In the mix:

  • Ground turkey, 85% lean (I like a little fat for these types of stews)
  • 3 diced and peeled parsnips
  • 1 large can of green peas
  • 1 small can of sliced, white mushrooms
  • 1 huge can (about 24oz) of diced tomatoes
  • spices: dash of hot sauce, pepper, salt, dash of agave, cayenne pepper

I brown the turkey first with no added oil, since there is a significant amount of fat.  I add pepper and cayenne pepper to just the meat.  After browning, I add the diced parsnips and tomatoes, and bring to a heavy simmer, usually for about 30 minutes or until the parsnips are medium-soft.  I then add the peas and mushrooms, extra spices, and put it on a low simmer for another 25-30 minutes.  TO. DIE. FOR.

I also made another great Paleo recipe: avocado chocolate mousse!

For those of us who love DEEP chocolate (yes, I buy the 85-90% chocolate bars), this is great.

In the mix:

  • 2 avocadoes, ripe, smashed
  • 1/2 cup Hershey’s dark chocolate cocoa
  • dash of chocolate protein powder
  • cayenne pepper and salt

This feeds me for years!


Going Primal

Hey all!

My very good friends from Jersey drove down to DC yesterday, and we had a lovely tour through the National Gallery and about the Smithsonian.  We also had a riveting discussion on the Paleo Diet.

As someone who’s fought with stomach problems for a long time, it sounded like it was worth a try.

Essentially, you eat fats, proteins, vegetables (except legumes) and fruit.  You don’t eat grains, or any starches with the exception of yams/potatoes.  Definitely no dairy or processed sugars.

The no dairy isn’t a problem, seeing as I can’t.  I’ve always been a bit obsessed with carbs (seriously), so I figured that doing this might break my habit of turning to bread at all times.

It’s a win, win!

So, my day started off with a paleo-friendly fix:

Corn technically isn’t allowed on the Paleo diet, but since it was in my mixed veggies, I figured it was okay for now.

Delightful!  It’s a mix of about 1/2 cup of egg whites, 1 large egg and a dash of almond milk for the scrambled eggs, topped with a bit of hot sauce, cayenne pepper and the normal salt/pepper.  Delicious!

Stay fly, readers!