Friday Night Lights

I’ve been out of high school for quite a long time, but my dad still announces the football games… and so I decided to pay a visit to my old stomping grounds!

Before I headed off, I was pretty hungry and didn’t want to stoop to eating concession-food.  Yuck.  I made a power-packed salad that I literally couldn’t finish.


In the mix:  hummus (best dressing ever), baby carrots, green olives, slivered almonds, chunked chicken breast, hard-boiled egg, mixed leaf lettuce, dill pickle and a dash of sweet peas!


I also drink the equivalent of four of those water bottles a day.  I take it with me everywhere.

Right, moving on to the football!



Hey, Dad!


Trying our best to be really, really excited… (I think it’s working)



Work it out!

My legs are a bit stiff from yesterday’s workout (which had me a sweaty, sweaty mess).  I ended up doing 10/8/8/8lbs for the step-ups, 15/20/20/20lbs for the swings and bodyweight for the squats.  On the elliptical, I was at level 7 for sprints, and 4 for moderate.

Today’s looks like…

1 minute, each exercise:

  • Starjumps
  • Kettlebell/DB Swings
  • Skaters
  • Squat with medicine ball
  • Plank jacks
  • Bicep curls
  • Back lunge with kick
  • Bicycle crunches
  • Knee-ups (30sec each side)

If you have any questions about the form of each one, let me know!  I felt like combining my strength and cardio today, so here’s to interval training!

Part VII: Photography

A study of the most loyal creatures around.

Welcome to my abode!  Pictures on a Canon EOS Rebel T3i; click for higher resolution.


Scooby, 11-year-old


Jet, 15-year-old Thoroughbred


Ole Blue Eyes (“OBE”), Kitten


Ole Blue Eyes (“OBE”), Kitten


Ole Blue Eyes (“OBE”), Kitten


Hunter, 11-year-old Chocolate Labrador


Hunter, 11-year-old Chocolate Labrador

Man’s best friend for a reason.


I love Ohio thrift stores.  While other cities have thrift stores, none match the price and selection of my good ole home ones.

After dropping off a massive garbage bag full of old clothes, I picked through the local Goodwill and Salvation Army.  Some of today’s great buys:


Camel cowboy-style boots.  Literally never worn.  Total leather upper, rubber sole, made in Brazil.  $3.95.


Wool and acrylic sweaters, $2.00 and $3.00

I’m big into sweaters and boots, especially in light of my journey to England where the temperature is usually (always) a pleasant fall temperature. 

Makes me more excited to hop the pond!

Speaking of ‘cheapness’ and ‘Ohio’ (those two words are quite synonymous if you live in the country-land of Ohio), a tiny little discount grocery mart just opened in my little town.  When I say little town, I do mean little. 

The only stores we’ve had in this town that have lasted more than a few years include a pizza place, a tiny restaurant, another pizza place, a gas station, laundromat and beer drive-thru.  Yes, I said beer drive-thru.

We are infinitely classy.  Anyhow!  This discount grocery mart had Bob’s Mill products for UNBELIEVABLE prices.  Oh, and Larabars, and gluten free goodies!  I was in shock.  Shell-shock.  I had to be dragged out of the store, but not after I made some key purchases:

Bob’s Mill Ground Flaxseed: $1.00

12oz of Chia Seeds: $1.25

No Pudge Brownie Mix: $0.25

4 Larabars: $1.00

For those of you who also buy these types of groceries, you’ll know the absolute elation and you’ll undoubtedly share in my shell-shock.

I’m going to be so spoiled when I move to England and the exchange rate kicks me in the face.  Ah well, until then – HELLO discount grocery!

Oh, and a shameless plug (if you’re interested in disability awareness, Paralympics, etc):

Reunion & Weekly Workouts!

Hey all!

My Italian-side’s family reunion was today, so (as is wholly expected), I was welcomed to a feast of Italian delicacies.  What a spread.


I actually ate pretty intuitively – a few too many nibbles of cookie at the end – and kept my pasta intake reasonable.  Pasta tends to upset my stomach, so I filled up on meats instead.  Yum! 



Dancing was involved.


As was much family-bonding.


I also just finished watching the premiere of BBC America’s Copper.  Seriously good.  I love Irish accents (who doesn’t?!) and the lead man is brilliant: handsome, great actor, and not previously famous!  Love up-and-coming stars.  Definitely a show to keep up with.  Hate the Sundays at 10pm show time, but there’s a fair amount of nudity/violence, so I guess I understand it.

It’s Sunday, so we all know what that means!  Weekly Workouts and goals!

Goals of this week:

  • Eat when hungry.
  • Focus on eating healthy as a way of life, not just as a means to an end
  • Don’t overwork my hip muscles/tendons


  • Monday: long and steady elliptical (at least 40 minutes), plus focus on core work and hip rehab.
  • Tuesday: hard elliptical intervals [hoping that my hips will be back up-and-running] for 25 minutes, then focus on hamstrings, glutes and some quad work.
  • Wednesday: steady elliptical (30 minutes), plus focus on biceps, shoulders, lats and triceps
  • Thursday: hard elliptical intervals [again, bearing in mind limitations] for 25 minutes, then focus on core work and hip rehab.
  • Friday: long and steady elliptical (at least 40 minutes), with overall body workout focus.  The longest day in the gym.

Any of these days could be converted into a rest day and the schedule shifted, especially considering the irregular pattern of injury that my hips have been showing lately.  Ah well; must be flexible.
