Returning to England

There are SO many reasons that I’m excited to return to England (having spent a year abroad there during undergrad), but here are some highlights of what I can’t wait to return to! –

1. English sport culture!  Really, who knows the rules of cricket?  Also, I’m a die-hard soccer (sorry, footbol) fan, so I can’t wait to be in a country that lives & breathes it!  Oh, and rugby – must learn to love that, too!  Here I am at a rugby game last year in Bath, England. 


2. Rowing culture.  Do I even have to mention the fact that rowing is a way of life there, too? Match made in heaven.

Eights M1 (15) blades

3. The History.  It’s mind-blowing to be at a university whose buildings are so much older than the founding of your native country.  Seriously, I would walk past buildings form the 1300 and 1400s in Oxford, every single day.  Likewise in Cambridge.  It’s wonderful to be surrounded by so much (beautiful) history.



4. Pub Life!   I love the casual drinking with friends culture (rather than the ‘party party party’ culture perpetuated in the States).  Pubs also have delicious food, my favorite being meat pies.  Delicious.  Oh, and they’re all so cute and usually old-as-all-else.  They’re perfect for people watching, too.


5. Fancy balls!  Oxford and Cambridge boast some incredible balls throughout the year, culminating in astounding spring balls.  They all have great themes, abounding food and drink, and awesome company.  And who really doesn’t love an excuse to dress up?


6. Punting.  The coolest way to pass time in the nicer months of the year, and a great place for a picnic.  You already know my love of boats.


7. The accents.  Sure, I’ve been dating a Brit for quite awhile, but the accent absolutely never gets old.  How can it?  I also the range of accents, from South to North, England.  They vary so much!  I was once very good at distinguishing regional accents, so I hope that I get that back!  I always love some of their phrases (‘brilliant,’ ‘bugger,’ ‘banter,’ anyone?).

Nearly the 5 week count-down until I move to England!

Weekly Workouts

Happy Sunday, ya’ll!

This weekend was crazy.

As many of you know, I studied abroad for a year at Oxford (England), and have great friends from that journey.  A friend of mine from that experience met up with two girls who had just returned from studying abroad, so it was two generations of Oxford!

Myself and Sabrina, the “old” generation…

… with Lauren and Dorothy, the “newest” generation.  Cute!  We enjoyed lunch at Bistro Francais in Georgetown.  I had the Rachel salad, which consisted of spinach leaves, avocado, and crab meat.  Delicious.


I was a member of the clean-plate club.

After, my best friend drove up to DC and we went to Adams Morgan, a very popular up-and-coming neighborhood in DC.  We went to Madams Organ for dinner, and had delicious barbeque chicken with candied yams, fried okra and too many french fries. 

Such strange restaurant décor… (don’t bring your kids here, folks).

This week is the very last week of my American Red Cross internship in DC.  How time flies!  I’ll be doing lots of exciting things, wrapping up my research, and saying the final goodbyes!  Eeep.  But, above all this, I’ll be trying to stay fit!

My hips have been struggling this past weekend, but I’m still going to make sure to get a few workouts in.  When I get back to Ohio, I’m going to step up the pace and really start watching my clean eating.  I’ve been off the wagon too long.

Weekly Workouts

Monday – Walk 1 mile to PT, then 1+ miles to friend’s house for dinner.  Potentially have a quick 15 minute arc trainer session pre-walk to PT.

Tuesday – Abs and upper body circuit, plus 30 minute arc trainer interval session (30 sec sprint, 30 sec moderate).

Wednesday – Abs and lower body circuit, plus 40 minute arc trainer interval session (10 minute moderate, 20 minute of 45-sec sprint and 90 sec moderate intervals, 10 minute moderate).

Thursday – Walk 1 mile to PT.  Potentially have a quick 15 minute arc trainer session pre-walk to PT.

Friday – Abs and upper body circuit, plus 30 minute arc trainer interval session (30 sec sprint, 30 sec moderate).

Saturday – fly home!